Variable dom

dom: {
    append: ((parentNode: Element, vnode: VNode, projectionOptions?: ProjectionOptions) => Projection);
    create: ((vnode: VNode, projectionOptions?: ProjectionOptions) => Projection);
    insertBefore: ((beforeNode: Element, vnode: VNode, projectionOptions?: ProjectionOptions) => Projection);
    merge: ((element: Element, vnode: VNode, projectionOptions?: ProjectionOptions) => Projection);
    replace: ((element: Element, vnode: VNode, projectionOptions?: ProjectionOptions) => Projection);
} = ...

Type declaration

  • append: ((parentNode: Element, vnode: VNode, projectionOptions?: ProjectionOptions) => Projection)
      • (parentNode: Element, vnode: VNode, projectionOptions?: ProjectionOptions): Projection
      • Appends a new child node to the DOM which is generated from a [[VNode]]. This is a low-level method. Users will typically use a [[Projector]] instead.


        The [[Projection]] that was created.


        • parentNode: Element

          The parent node for the new child node.

        • vnode: VNode

          The root of the virtual DOM tree that was created using the [[h]] function. NOTE: [[VNode]] objects may only be rendered once.

        • Optional projectionOptions: ProjectionOptions

          Options to be used to create and update the [[Projection]].

        Returns Projection

  • create: ((vnode: VNode, projectionOptions?: ProjectionOptions) => Projection)
      • (vnode: VNode, projectionOptions?: ProjectionOptions): Projection
      • Creates a real DOM tree from vnode. The [[Projection]] object returned will contain the resulting DOM Node in its [[Projection.domNode|domNode]] property. This is a low-level method. Users will typically use a [[Projector]] instead.


        The [[Projection]] which also contains the DOM Node that was created.


        • vnode: VNode

          The root of the virtual DOM tree that was created using the [[h]] function. NOTE: [[VNode]] objects may only be rendered once.

        • Optional projectionOptions: ProjectionOptions

          Options to be used to create and update the projection.

        Returns Projection

  • insertBefore: ((beforeNode: Element, vnode: VNode, projectionOptions?: ProjectionOptions) => Projection)
      • (beforeNode: Element, vnode: VNode, projectionOptions?: ProjectionOptions): Projection
      • Inserts a new DOM node which is generated from a [[VNode]]. This is a low-level method. Users wil typically use a [[Projector]] instead.


        The [[Projection]] that was created.


        • beforeNode: Element

          The node that the DOM Node is inserted before.

        • vnode: VNode

          The root of the virtual DOM tree that was created using the [[h]] function. NOTE: [[VNode]] objects may only be rendered once.

        • Optional projectionOptions: ProjectionOptions

          Options to be used to create and update the projection, see [[createProjector]].

        Returns Projection

  • merge: ((element: Element, vnode: VNode, projectionOptions?: ProjectionOptions) => Projection)
      • (element: Element, vnode: VNode, projectionOptions?: ProjectionOptions): Projection
      • Merges a new DOM node which is generated from a [[VNode]] with an existing DOM Node. This means that the virtual DOM and the real DOM will have one overlapping element. Therefore the selector for the root [[VNode]] will be ignored, but its properties and children will be applied to the Element provided. This is a low-level method. Users wil typically use a [[Projector]] instead.


        The [[Projection]] that was created.


        • element: Element

          The existing element to adopt as the root of the new virtual DOM. Existing attributes and child nodes are preserved.

        • vnode: VNode

          The root of the virtual DOM tree that was created using the [[h]] function. NOTE: [[VNode]] objects may only be rendered once.

        • Optional projectionOptions: ProjectionOptions

          Options to be used to create and update the projection, see [[createProjector]].

        Returns Projection

  • replace: ((element: Element, vnode: VNode, projectionOptions?: ProjectionOptions) => Projection)
      • (element: Element, vnode: VNode, projectionOptions?: ProjectionOptions): Projection
      • Replaces an existing DOM node with a node generated from a [[VNode]]. This is a low-level method. Users will typically use a [[Projector]] instead.


        The [[Projection]] that was created.


        • element: Element

          The node for the [[VNode]] to replace.

        • vnode: VNode

          The root of the virtual DOM tree that was created using the [[h]] function. NOTE: [[VNode]] objects may only be rendered once.

        • Optional projectionOptions: ProjectionOptions

          Options to be used to create and update the [[Projection]].

        Returns Projection

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